Flexibility for successful machine concepts
As part of the SINAMICS drive family, the SINAMICS S120 drive is a modular system for high-performance applications in machine and plant engineering. SINAMICS S120 offers high-performance single-axis and multi-axis drives for a very broad range of industrial applications. By virtue of its scalability and flexibility, SINAMICS S120 is the ideal system for satisfying the ever increasing demand for more axes and better performance. SINAMICS S120 supports flexible machine designs and speedy implementation of customized drive solutions.
The response to ever increasing demands
Modern machines must be built at ever lower cost, but deliver ever greater productivity. The SINAMICS S120 drive concept meets both these challenges! It is easy to configure and thus helps reduce project completion times. Its excellent dynamic response and accuracy permit higher cycle rates for maximum productivity.
Applications in machine and plant engineering
Regardless of whether the application involves continuous material webs or cyclic, highly dynamic processes – SINAMICS S120 means increased machine performance in many industries:
Packaging machines
Plastics processing machines
Textile machines
Printing machines
Paper machines
Woodworking machines
Hoists and cranes
Handling and assembly systems
Machine tools
Rolling mills
Test stands
Machinery associated with renewable energy applications
Modularity for mechanical engineering
SINAMICS S120 is designed to allow free combination of power and control performance. Multi-axis drives with higher-level motion control can be implemented with the SINAMICS S120 modular system as easily as single-drive solutions.
Greater flexibility with central control intelligence
On the SINAMICS S120, the drive intelligence is combined with closed-loop control functions into Control Units.
These units are capable of controlling drives in Vector, Servo and V/f modes. They also perform the speed and torque control functions plus other intelligent drive functions for all axes on the drive.
名称 订货号 名称 订货号
控制单元 CU310DP 6SL3040-0LA00-0AA0 SMC10 (单较/多级 Resolver) 6SL3055-0AA00-5AA0
控制单元 CU310PN 6SL3040-0LA01-0AA0 SMC20 (1VPP Sin/cos 增量编码器 /
Endat 编码器) 6SL3055-0AA00-5BA1
控制单元适配器 CUA31 6SL3040-0PA00-0AA0 SMC30 (HTL/TTL 增量编码器) 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA1
CF 卡(不带性能扩展 1) 6SL3054-0AA00-1AA0 Drive-CLIQ Hub DMC20 6SL3055-0AA00-6AA0
CF 卡(带性能扩展 1) 6SL3054-0AA01-1AA0 基本操作面板 BOP20 6SL3055-0AA00-4BA0
扩展性能 1 软件授权 6SL3074-0AA01-0AA0
¾ 不带性能扩展 1 的 CF 卡,CU320 的负荷能力不**过 55%。
¾ 带性能扩展 1 的 CF 卡,CU320 的负荷能能力达到 。
¾ 为了增加 CU320 高度,使其与书本型的电机模块或电源模块一样高度。必须订购 6SL3064-1BB00-0AA0。
¾ 控制单元 CUA31 简述
CUA31 是控制单元的适配器,通过集成的 Drive-CLiQ 接口,将模块型的功率模块连接到 CU320 或 Simotion D 模块
上,来完成运动控制功能。而装机装柜型的功率单元已集成了 CUA31。
注意:装机装柜型的功率模块不需要 CUA31,直接和 CU310DP、CU320、Simotion D 连接。
SINAMICS S120 变频装置具有应对颠覆转矩的过载能力。如果存在更大的峰值负载,那么必须在组态时考虑这种情况。因此,在具有过载要求的驱动器中,必须将合适的基本负载电流用作所需负荷的基础。
允许的过载水平在以下前提条件下有效,驱动单元在过载条件之前和之后以其基本负载电流运行,且占空比持续时间为 300 s。
另一个先决条件是,变频装置或逆变装置在其出厂设置脉冲频率下运行,输出频率大于 10 Hz。
对于负载周期内负载变化较大的临时、周期性负载周期,必须注意《SINAMICS 低压工程手册》的相关部分。
基于负载电流低负荷 IL,允许 110 % 的过载 60 s 或 150 % 用于 10 s。
控制单元 CU320-2 PN
CU310‑2 DP 和 CU310‑2 PN 控制单元
CU310 2 控制单元用于控制单机传动装置。标配有一个 PROFIBUS 接口 (CU310 2 DP) 或一个 PROFINET 接口 (CU310 2 PN) 以及一个 TTL/HTL 编码器分析电路。
控制单元 CU320‑2
CU320‑2 控制单元用于多个传动装置。此时,以下设备可通过控制单元 CU320‑2 运行。
•V/f 模式下多 12 个转动装置,或
•伺服或矢量控制模式下组多 6 个传动装置。
CU320-2 控制单元可用于在多个传动装置间建立连接,并实现简单工艺功能。
简单的 SINAMICS S120 传动系统由一个 CU310 2 控制单元和一个变频装置组成。变频装置中集成有一个进线整流器、一个直流回路和一个用于为电机供电的逆变器。
欢迎来到上海赞国自动化科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市松江区思贤路1855弄91号,联系人是彭晴。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。